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Ethiopian woman walking down a hill, Amhara region, Lalibela, Ethiopia
Ochred Hair Detail Of A Hamer Tribe Woman, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Women selling food in front of old Argoba beri gate of the town, Harari Region, Harar, Ethiopia
Night Shot Of A Karrayyu Tribe Man Bringing Food To Another Karrayyu Family During Gadaaa Ceremony, Metahara, Ethiopia
Physically and mentally handicapped child chained to a fence in a house, Kembata, Alaba kuito, Ethiopia
Karrayyu Tribe Man, Metahara, Ethiopia
Hamer Young Man With A Stick In His Mouth, Dimeka, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
The colorful volcanic landscape of dallol in the danakil depression, Afar region, Dallol, Ethiopia
Pilgrim At Timkat Festival, Lalibela, Ethiopia
The colorful volcanic landscape of dallol in the danakil depression, Afar region, Dallol, Ethiopia
Bana Tribe Woman, Dimeka, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Monolithic Rock-cut Church Of Bete Giyorgis, Lalibela, Ethiopia
Side view of an Afar tribe girl with braided hair, Afar region, Semera, Ethiopia
Woman From Majangir Tribe, Ethiopia
Narrow street in the old town, Harari region, Harar, Ethiopia
Gurage woman in front of the fireplace inside her traditional house, Gurage Zone, Butajira, Ethiopia
The colorful volcanic landscape of dallol in the danakil depression, Afar region, Dallol, Ethiopia
Afar Tribe Woman With Sharpened Teeth, Assaita, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia
Ethiopian priests carrying some covered tabots on their heads during Timkat epiphany festival, Amhara region, Lalibela, Ethiopia
Hamer tribe woman waiting to be whipped during a bull jumping ceremony, Omo valley, Turmi, Ethiopia
Suri tribe warriors fighting during a donga stick ritual, Omo valley, Kibish, Ethiopia
Bashada Tribe Women Dancing During A Bull Jumping Ceremony, Dimeka, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Ethiopian pilgrim woman with a cross sign on the forehead during kidane mehret celebration, Amhara region, Lalibela, Ethiopia
Tough interrogative look of young boy Ethiopia
Camel market, Oromo, Sambate, Ethiopia
Suri man dancing during a ceremony, Kibish, Omo valley, Ethiopia
Borana woman playing drum during sunday church service, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia
Afar tribe woman with scarifications on her face, Assaita, Afar regional state, Ethiopia
Erbore Tribe Women With Black Veil And Colourful Necklaces, Weito, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Borana Tribe Woman, Yabelo, Ethiopia
Portrait Of A Bodi Tribe Man, Hana Mursi, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Old Surma Woman With A Lip Plate Wearing A Tree Leaf Headdress, Kibbish Village, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Senior woman portrait with beaded necklace omo valley Ethiopia
Bashada Tribe Woman Crying During A Bull Jumping Ceremony, Dimeka, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Oromo pilgrim with western clothes in the shrine of sufi Sheikh Hussein , Oromia, Sheik Hussein, Ethiopia
Hamer Tribe Man, Turmi, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Bana Tribe Woman, Key Afer, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
The new stadium seen from the old town, Harari region, Harar, Ethiopia
Afar Tribe Man With His Camels, Afambo, Ethiopia
Man with a tee shir representing haile selassie, Mojo marketplace, Ethiopia
Hamer Tribe Woman, Turmi, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Sign drawn on the road depicting a cow, Oromia, Mileso, Ethiopia
Suri Boys Imitating The Adult Warriors, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Suri tribe warrior putting a knee on the ground to show he lost the donga stick fighting, Omo valley, Kibish, Ethiopia
Bamboo wall of a Gurage traditional house, Gurage Zone, Butajira, Ethiopia
People waiting for the ethiopian railways constructed by china, Addis abeba region, Addis ababa, Ethiopia
Coated Road Under Construction Landscape In Mago Park Ethiopia
Ethiopian women sit in a multi colored restaurant, Afar region, Gewane, Ethiopia
Orthodox Priest Inside A Rock Church, Lalibela, Ethiopia
Portrait of a bodi tribe man with flies on his face, Omo valley, Hana mursi, Ethiopia
Bodi Tribe Man With An Elephant Tusk During The Kael Ceremony, Hana Mursi, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Karrayyu Tribe Kid And Group Of Karrayyu People At Sunset During Gadaaa Ceremony, Metahara, Ethiopia
Pastor Mohamed Ousman Salih who converted from islam to christianity watching a religious channel on television with his daughter, Addis Ababa region, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The living lava lake in the crater of erta ale volcano, Afar region, Erta ale, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Orthodox Priests Celebrating The Colorful Timkat Epiphany Festival, Lalibela, Ethiopia
Billboard of a prevention campaign against violence on women, Ethiopia
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